Aging Biology

Peer Review Process

Following article submission, the Editors-in-Chief will in a timely manner evaluate each submitted manuscript for its suitability for Aging Biology. If deemed appropriate for the journal, the article will be assigned to a Supervising Editor with appropriate expertise to supervise its subsequent peer review. The Supervising Editor will in turn assign a minimum of 2-3 reviewers in the field to conduct a confidential (single-blind) review. The authors are required to suggest at least 3 Supervising Editors and up to 5 potential reviewers as well as make requests for exclusion of reviewers if a perceived conflict of interest exists, although final decisions will be up to the discretion of the Editors-in-Chief. Editors and Reviewers must not be from the same institution as the authors or be involved in independent collaborations. Editors and reviewers are required to maintain confidentiality around the review process and not use data contained within the manuscript for personal scientific benefit.