Aging Biology

Aims and Scope

Aging Biology publishes highly significant research into the biology of aging and longevity that bridges from basic molecular mechanisms to in vivo aging biology.

Mechanisms and biological processes of interest include any that impinge on normal aging process, such as genome and epigenome regulation, telomere biology, mitochondria functions, metabolism, stem cells, immunity and inflammation, cell – cell interactions and tissue microenvironment, proteostasis, cell senescence, chronological and biological molecular clocks and reprogramming, circadian rhythms, stress responses and cell signaling.

Studies into the molecular mechanisms of how environment and lifestyle influences, such as diet, exercise, sleep and stress, impact on aging are encouraged. Novel interventions that promote healthy aging and longevity are of great interest, but typically should define mechanism of action and demonstrate benefit for aging in an in vivo model. Human translational studies that test candidate interventions will be considered, even with less mechanistic novelty, provided they include robust aging-relevant biomarkers and/or endpoints.

As technologies continually advance and evolve, we welcome studies employing innovative and state-of-the-art technologies, for example dissociative and spatial single cell technologies to address cell and tissue heterogeneity in aging.

All model systems, for example yeast, plants, flies, worms, mammals and comparative biology, are welcome.

The following are typically not a good fit for Aging Biology: purely descriptive studies that do not generate new mechanistic insight; studies into pathology of a disease of aging, such as cancer or Alzheimer’s, which do not probe the role of aging in disease pathogenesis.